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Fizzlepop Berrytwist, now acclimated to Ponyville by Twilight's recommendation, was invited to a party for Gummy's birthday. She didn't want to go, but she went anyway, and found herself being alone, again. Like always.

Fortunately for her, a human by the name of Anon was not a fan of being alone. And he was going to make sure she wasn't alone any longer, even if it meant embarrassing her the whole time.

Art by TenebrisNoctus (source for direct link to picture).

Inspired by The Darkest Moment - Say Your Sorries (And Goodbyes).

Pre-read by: Chaospaladin and Rikkity.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Spitfire's Off Day

It's Spitfire's day off and she doesn't know how to spend it. So, she hangs out with Fleetfoot and Soarin, her two best friends.

That was the wrong decision.

So, she goes to visit her favorite human instead, who just so happens to need a breather from his day-to-day job in Canterlot. Together, they make a day of it.

Spitfire finally finds out just how good it feels to be with someone you love.

Art by LupiArts.

Pre-read by Rikkity and Chaospaladin (both for all three chapters), and Muggonny (for chapter three).

Chapters (3)

When your beloved wife, the ex-princess Luna, discovered that she is pregnant, it came as a bit of a shock. You weren't even aware that such a thing is possible considering the whole "you're a human" thing. And yet, there she is. Her body is slowly changing to account for the growth happening within, and her anxiety is through the roof.

But you're not about to leave her to face that anxiety alone.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's castle has gone through many wild and life altering changes over the years. What once was a simple library was now the seat of a princess and her council. Not only that, over the years it's played host to so many new and interesting people; each one memorable in their own way.

Which makes it all the stranger that there's this pony tending to the books lately that nobody seems to know... But she seems so familiar!

Top featured 12/5/23-12/11/23! I couldn't be prouder! Thanks to everyone.

Reading by Skijarama/Tone Shift HERE.

Chapters (1)

You and Twilight have been best friends for the longest time. It was surprising, considering that a literal Princess would ever consider you, the social outcast that you are, a friend. But for that, you were grateful. And you have never been happier than when you were with her, and vice versa.

One afternoon, Twilight approaches you looking all nervous and flustered. Naturally, as her best friend, you want to help in any way you can.

Featured on 7/25/2023 - 7/26/2023!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Hypothetically

In theory, you and Twilight didn't make sense. A strong, intelligent, and wise mare like her paired with an awkward, dorky, and eccentric human like you... It was almost too good to be true, and yet it was. You and Twilight were the best of friends, until you found out about a week ago that she had romantic feelings for you.

Would it even work out? Could things between you two really escalate into something... more?

(Rated Teen for mild sexual innuendo.)

Cover art by tingsan!

Chapters (1)

Rainstorms bring out the affectionate side in people. Apparently, ponies are no different.

Twilight asks you to cuddle her on a rainy day, and lucky for her, you are willing to provide just that.

(If anyone happens to know the artist of the cover art, please let me know so I can credit them properly. Thank you!)
(EDIT: Cover art is by Katputze!)
(EDIT 2: Featured on 6/14/21, I'm so honored! :pinkiegasp:)

Entry for CategoricalGrant's Cuddlefic Contest!

Chapters (1)

Most Earth ponies know how to cook familiar foods, but what to do when they face the baffling array of frozen foods in a grocery store on Earth?

Candy Apples has that problem and reasons that other ponies would, as well. So why not start a cooking channel to help ponies and anybody else who wants to watch?

Her channel is more of a success than she could have ever imagined.

Why isn't there a tag for Candy Apples? She's the background mare you should be thinking about.

Chapters (1)

Oh, hi!


Silverwing is an UnderWorld guardspony, and just like everypony else in (and under) equestria, he is getting ready to be evacuated to outer space!

Well, until he got left behind by the rest of the guards he was with, in the deeper, unsafe reaches of the UnderWorld.

Little did Silver know, he would become the key to saving the entire population of the UnderWorld. Him, and what he finds behind what was once an Equestrian Embassy.


Welcome to my first real story! And it is now DONE! I'm sure it's a bit rocky, but I haven't managed to finish one of these yet! But I have plenty of ideas for what more I can do in this universe I'm putting together :D


And finally, I'll post my inspiration! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNXVC692jrk


Oh yeah, you know what else is a work in progress? A minecraft map of this story's setting! It's not finished either, but if you wanna explore it, here's my MC server discord: https://discord.gg/cnMG7uK

The map in question is the UnderWorld map, a recreation of the entire place in minecraft, and it's pretty slow going so this story is probably gonna be finished before the map is, but eeyyyy it's something!

Chapters (13)

Delivery Ponies, the best new thing of modern deliveries!

Through fresh meals, telegrams, surprises, you name it, these lovable li'l creatures will make sure they leave you 100% satisfied with their snuggly services! Just select the "Pony Package", and we'll make sure you get what you need faster than you can boop the "Place Order" button.

They only accept cuddles, huggles, boops and more as tips. :heart:

~Featured 4/25/22; 4/26-28; 5/2~

Leave a comment and like for them, they work very hard for us all. ❤

WARNING: selecting the Pony Package may result in never-ending squeeing, sore cheeks from smiling or high-risk of contracting diabetes.

Chapters (5)